डॉ. रोहिणी शिवबालन
M. Sc., Ph. D., D. H. Ed.
Work Experience
Research Guidance
Industry Experience
NCC Service
Association with Sameecheen
Former Head, Department of Biological sciences,Ramnarain Ruia College, Matunga, Mumbai-400019.
Post graduate teacher and Research guide.
Successfully guided 15 students for Ph D degree and 8 students for M.Sc by research.
Approved FDA drug testing Analyst by Government of Maharashtra.
Done many projects for Pharma company in Ruia college Analytical drug testing lab.
From 1975 to 2007. Retired as Major.
Served as gazetted officer for almost 35 years.
Former Senate member, University Of Mumbai.
Former Management council member, University of Mumbai and many more prestigious committees including BCUD.
Mainly looking into administrative and finance.
Procurement of advertisement, Printing etc.
Taking decision about the Magazine publication.